(porn, porno,pornography) Prior to this, I imagined that I commandeered a high post and had fallen from grace. But in reality, my place in the scheme is small and inconsequential. . . Ugh. I lugged my sleeping bag & personal gear into the club and set up near the end of the bar on the floor, next to the entrance. I was wound up. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. Sometimes when I see people or a person on the street I look at them and think: Ugh. What a sad sack! politicians leaders put em in handcuffs.
You decide.



# Gordon's Tape ## The Raise ### Catfish Stumping #### Val's Assassination Play ##### Foodstamps $Bonus PAGE * !

plus song pages to sing along with




"Accept me as a I am or murder me, I cannot change."


Do you agree or disagree with the Marquise De Sade?