used to be a weapon to have power over men
it can happen over and over
and form a jealousy between the two then
the orgasm grew with age
it became more difficult to arrive
a new consciousness came alive
wild women who was a teen
and the sex goddess in her twenties
found a wall growing as she'd scream
more her body was thrown around
the more darkness she would feel
her orgasm wasn't power anymore, it was a place of feeling fear
started faking them with her boyfriend
to get the situation through
he'd ask her if she came or not and a grunt was all she'd do
woman who wanted to have power and to please a man with sex
was slowly dying a painful death
a death of realization as she'd take each breath
opened her eyes and saw abuses
that her body felt as a child
she realized that she'd sell her soul if she didn't treat herself more mild
would have to end if she was to find her truth
she broke off relations with men who were pounding her for power
she broke off relations with herself and grew angrier by the hour
started to love herself a lot and that was all her proof
when she cried out to her soul and wanted to end her drear
her gentle soulmate took her hand and sacredness appeared
the years an orgasm transformed from day to night
to let a man inside a body is one of the most vulnerable things to do
to go further and have an orgasm is trusting through and through
saying that this body is a temple
has never meant more to me.